Friday, 7 December 2007

BDC gets land back (07 December, 2007)

PARLIAMENT - Certain portions of the Selibe Phikwe Central Business District (CBD) will revert back to the Botswana Development Corporation (BDC) after the 50 year fixed period state grant expires.
The Assistant Minister of Finance and Development Planning Mr Duncan Mlazie told Parliament that BDC holds a 50 year fixed period state grant on lots 2592 and 2593 in the Selibe Phikwe CBD.
He added that BDC holds these properties through its 100 per cent owned subsidiary, Commercial Holdings (Pty) Ltd.
Mr Mlazie said BDCs 50 year grant on the properties will expire in 2023, and the corporation intends applying for a further 50 year fixed period state grant from then on.
Should the application for a further 50 years be granted, the corporation will favourably consider the request for extensions by businesses that currently hold the lease with it, said Mr Mlazie.
The MP for Selibe Phikwe West Mr Kavis Kario had asked the assistant minister whether it is correct that certain portions or the entire Selibe Phikwe CBD have to revert to the BDC in 43 years from the date of registration of the title deed most of which were registered around 1980 thereby giving business in CBD only 15 years within which to operate Kario also wanted to know the implications of these conditions for the future of these businesses.

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