Another interest rates cut by the Bank of Botswana (BoB) is likely as inflation figures this week fell to single digits, for the first time in 14 months.

Botswana Stock Exchange aggregates business and finance information relating to Botswana and the southern African region.
Another interest rates cut by the Bank of Botswana (BoB) is likely as inflation figures this week fell to single digits, for the first time in 14 months.
If South Africa chooses to play the role of the bully of the region, it could get in the way of southern Africa's integration into a unified African government in the long run. Perhaps, even as the African Union strives towards building a single continental government, the smaller nations should remain vigilant against bullying by regional middle level imperialist countries which want to gain economic advantage for their territories at the expense of the less advantaged economies.
Another interest rates cut by the Bank of Botswana (BoB) is likely as inflation figures this week fell to single digits, for the first time in 14 months. On Monday, the Central Statistics Office (CSO) reported that annual inflation for the month of May fell from 10.2 percent to 8.4 percent. The last time annual inflation figures was under 10 percent was in March 2008 when it stood at 9.8 percent.
The trade volume between China and Botswana jumped from $145 million in 2007 to $360 million in 2008, the new Chinese ambassador to Botswana has said.
The Gaborone-based hotel has 160 rooms and conference facilities with a total holding capacity of 400 people. A source privy to the discussions said the hotel will be ready in time for the 2010 World Cup soccer jamboree to be held in neighbouring South Africa in June.
The government has approved a P245.6 billion budget for NDP 10 as the country seeks to shake off the effects of the global financial crisis and press ahead with its development programme.
Following the subsequent sale of the securities business in a citizen empowerment transaction at the end of 2001, and the sale of the banking business in November 2003, Investec now operates only a focused asset management business in Botswana.
Discovery Metals combines an attractive portfolio of mineral assets in Africa and joint ventures in Australia. Discovery Metals is focused on developing the Boseto Copper Project (100% owned) in north west Botswana and to create shareholder wealth through discovery and development of economic mineral deposits. The Company’s major asset and current focus is its Boseto Copper Project (100%) in north west Botswana. The company also controls the Dikoloti Nickel Project (85%) in north east Botswana. There are two smaller Australian projects which are joint ventured with the JV partners potentially earning into 51 percent equity.
IAMGOLD’s (IAG) equity position in Oromin (OLE.TO), Mines Management’s (MGN) stockholder rights plan, and Excellon’s (EXN.TO) completed rights offering were among the big stories in the gold and silver mining industry making headlines Friday.