Thursday, 10 July 2008

Debswana Supports Environment

Map of BotswanaImage via WikipediaDebswana Supports Environment

Lesedi Primary School Environmental Education Bio-Park was launched by Debswana's Esther Kanaimba on the third of July this year (2008) thus reaffirming Debswana's commitment to supporting initiatives aimed at protecting the environment and natural resources.

According to Modiri Mogirosi of the Association of Environmental Clubs of Botswana (AECB), the bio-park will develop and promote environmental conservation to both students and pupils.
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De Beers Polishes Its Image

BRISTOL, UNITED KINGDOM - APRIL 04:  The three...Image by Getty Images via DaylifeDe Beers Polishes Its Image

De Beers's 120-year history is marred by crisis after crisis. They publicity track record is not that great. Currently, the company are in a 50%/50% partnerships with Botswana and Namibia. They are also considering ways of diversifying and seeking for new and emerging businesses. This is typical when your mode of business is shaky or its future is not so stable as they say about diamond being forever.

In 2006, De Beers was alleged to be purchasing dirty diamonds, price-fixing and racism. These are great challenges for any company faced with negative publicity from celebrities like Kanye West's Diamonds From Sierra Leone and movies like Blood Diamond.

De Beers has delt with this by coming up with the Kimberley Process of voluntary certification for rough diamonds to allow trace-back of these valuable gems. This however has not protected the companay from backlashing consumers.

Thus the 45-year old company has come up with a new business model.

Dikgatlhong progress impressive - assistant minist

Dikgatlhong progress impressive - assistant minist

He told Sinohydro officials to ensure that their company respected Botswana’s labour laws, advising them to ask for assistance from the labour offices ...

Iamgold sees longer life at Botswana mine after switch to owner mining

Districts of BotswanaImage via WikipediaIamgold sees longer life at Botswana mine after switch to owner mining

Canadian gold-miner Iamgold now expects to continue mining its Mupane operation, in Botswana, until the second quarter of 2012, after declining costs meant ...
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Botswana Posts Trade Deficit in April as Diamond Exports Drop

Diamond output in 2005Image via WikipediaBotswana Posts Trade Deficit in April as Diamond Exports Drop

The world's biggest diamond producer, recorded a trade deficit in April as diamond exports fell and imports ...
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Botswana Stock ExchangeImage via WikipediaBRIEF CASE

The Water Utilities Corporation (WUC) has listed two notes on the Botswana Stock Exchange (BSE). The notes, which are part of the P400 million note ...
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