Thursday, 7 August 2008

Botswana: state offloads Anglo American shares.(Business Briefs ...

Botswana: state offloads Anglo American shares.(Business Briefs ...
African Express
State offloads Anglo American shares.(01-MAY-04) Publication Title: African Business ...

De Beers mining executive will speak at Livingstone commencement May 3

De Beers mining executive will speak at Livingstone commencement May 3
Salisbury Post - Salisbury,NC,USA
Khama joined the Anglo American Corp. subsidiary in Botswana as group secretary in 1994 and served in this capacity for eight years. ...


By Yayemarie(Yayemarie)
Sheila Khama never thought growing up in her village that one day she will be at the head of a Diamond giant company, she started working for a substitary Anglo American Corporation as the Group Secretary for 8 years before moving up to ...

News Release

News Release
Anglo American’s nickel interests in Botswana for US$75.9 million in cash. These. interests comprise 43.35% in Tati Nickel Mining Company (Pty) Limited ...

De Beers boosts 2008 rough diamond prices 8.5 pct

De Beers boosts 2008 rough diamond prices 8.5 pct
Reuters - USA
De Beers, 45-percent-owned by mining group Anglo American (AAL.L: Quote, Profile, Research), said in February that it expected a rebound in its rough ...

Power utility seeks to limit exports but long-term contracts ...

Power utility seeks to limit exports but long-term contracts ...
Creamer Media's Engineering News - Garden View, South Africa
Anglo American’s Skorpion zinc mine, in Namibia, received 94 MW from Eskom, and De Beers’ Namdeb diamond mine received 30 MW. “All these export figures ...

Zimbabwe: There is Only One Way - Out!

There is Only One Way - Out! - Washington, USA
We may not like Anglo-American policy in Iraq, but we should be at peace with the US, for our own sake. It is about the world in which we live. ...

De Beers to pay R2,3bn to settle lawsuit in US

De Beers to pay R2,3bn to settle lawsuit in US
Business Day - Johannesburg, South Africa
De Beers is 45% owned by Anglo American, the family of De Beers chairman Nicky Oppenheimer holds 40% and the government of Botswana owns 15%. ...

De Beers wins approval of $295M settlement

De Beers wins approval of $295M settlement
Edmonton Journal - Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
... by Anglo American Plc.
The family of De Beers chairman Nicky Oppenheimer holds 40 per cent, and 15 per cent is owned by the government of Botswana, ...

Coal To Liquids In Australia

Coal To Liquids In Australia
The Oil Drum - USA
Monash Energy is a venture by Shell and Anglo American to jointly develop a "clean" coal to liquids project in the Latrobe Valley, "utilising the latest ...

Taxation and Governance in Africa

Taxation and Governance in Africa
American Enterprise Institute - Washington,DC,USA
The role of taxation as a central force in the development of democracy resonates strongly in Anglo-American history. The duty of paying for government ...

The De Beers Connection to KI v. Platinex-link might be Anglo American

The De Beers Connection to KI v. Platinex-link might be Anglo American
By ACTUP(Brant)
Anglo American's diamond interests are represented by its 45% shareholding in De Beers Investments (DBI), the other shareholders are Central Holdings Limited, an Oppenheimer family holding company, (40%) and the Botswana Government ...

Botswana slams corruption by multinationals in mining Anglo ...

Botswana slams corruption by multinationals in mining Anglo ...
De Beers is 45 pct-owned by Anglo American PLC. Botswana is the world's largest producer of diamonds by value and by volume, yielding 34.3 mln carats of the ...

Forsys Increases Ownership of Ondundu Gold Project in Namibia to 90%

Forsys Increases Ownership of Ondundu Gold Project in Namibia to 90%
Market Wire (press release) - USA
Ondundu lies within the Northern Zone of the Damara Belt that extends east from the Atlantic Ocean into northwestern Botswana. This Neoproterozoic Belt is ...

Out of Africa Longtime buddies wrote their debut novel about a ...

Out of Africa Longtime buddies wrote their debut novel about a ...
Pioneer Press - St. Paul,MN,USA
In 1997, he accepted a position at Anglo American, a major international mining house associated with the diamond firm De Beers. (De Beers and diamonds play ...

Botswana: Botswana Tax Laws Are Rigid

Botswana Tax Laws Are Rigid - Washington,USA
... that if they do choose to exercise these powers, the likes of Anglo American and De Beers are left with no choice but to comply with Botswana wishes. ... RE: Anglo American & Botswana - MPV

Anglo American & Botswana
Anglo American is a global leader in mining and natural resources. Our diversif.

Record diamond prices spark fears over speculation

Record diamond prices spark fears over speculation
Edmonton Journal - Edmonton,Alberta,Canada
De Beers, 40 per cent owned by Anglo American, which supplies about 40 per cent of the world's rough diamonds, believes speculative pricing does not feature ...

a little story about diamonds

a little story about diamonds
By Jason Morgan
The company de-listed in 2001 and is now owned by Anglo American, the Oppenheimer family and the government of Botswana. It has settled its long-standing antitrust dispute with American regulators and is undergoing measures in order to ...

De Beers official says marketing move to Botswana is significant

De Beers official says marketing move to Botswana is significant
Mineweb - London,England,UK
De Beers is 45 percent owned by mining group Anglo American Plc , 40 percent by the Oppenheimer family and 15 percent by the Botswana government. ...

Botswana slams corruption by multinationals in mining

Botswana slams corruption by multinationals in mining
Interactive Investor - London,England,UK
De Beers is 45 pct-owned by Anglo American PLC. Botswana is the world's largest producer of diamonds by value and by volume, yielding 34.3 mln carats of the ...

Botswana economy dependent on mining

Botswana economy dependent on mining
Sunday News - Zimbabwe
Dennis Kennedy, MD of Stanbic Bank, a subsidiary of the Standard Bank Group said Aids - which has slashed life expectancy to 35 - was one of the key ...

Stanbic launches private pension scheme

Stanbic launches private pension scheme
Daily Monitor - Kampala,Uganda
Stanbic Investments, a sister company of the Stanbic Bank Group has launched a private pension scheme, targeting players in the private sector. ...

Stanbic launches private pension scheme

Stanbic launches private pension scheme
Daily Monitor - Kampala,Uganda
Stanbic Investments, a sister company of the Stanbic Bank Group has launched a private pension scheme, targeting players in the private sector. ...

Standard Bank Donates P2.5m To Xenophobia Victims

Standard Bank Donates P2.5m To Xenophobia Victims
Mmegi - Gaberones,Botswana
Standard Bank, which in Botswana trades as Stanbic Bank Botswana, has donated R3 million (P 2 523 258.95) to the victims of xenophobic violence in South ...

Botswana aims to kickstart securitisation

Botswana aims to kickstart securitisation
By Frontier Markets Blog
Last week saw the listing of the P2billion Stanbic Bank Botswana bond programme. This prompted the Botswana Stock Exchange and the National Development Bank to restart initiatives to develop a securitisation market in Botswana. ...

Government wants early delivery

Government wants early delivery
Mmegi - Gaberones,Botswana
To show its commitment to the Morupule expansion project, Government has already selected Stanbic Bank Botswana as the preferred financial partner for ...

Botswana Bank to Invest in Diamond Beneficiation Sector

Botswana Bank to Invest in Diamond Beneficiation Sector
IDEX Online - Israel
Stanbic Bank Botswana has announced that it plans to use capital it recently raised through listed P2 billion (~$300 million) bonds to finance Botswana ’s ...

Botswana: Stanbic Raises Cash for Diamond Beneficiation

Stanbic Raises Cash for Diamond Beneficiation - Washington,USA
Stanbic Bank Botswana plans to use the capital raised through the just listed P2 billion bonds to support the fledging downstream diamond beneficiation ...

Botswana, investment hub

Botswana, investment hub
Botswanas democracy and resource wealth have created investment opportunities that need to be explored, says the Managing Director of Stanbic Bank, Mr Dennis Kennedy. Speaking at a one-day meeting of the Botswana Economic ...

Astute papers at 1st Economic Forum today

Astute papers at 1st Economic Forum today
Mmegi - Gaberones,Botswana
Dennis Kennedy, the managing director of Stanbic Bank Botswana, will speak on Running a Business in Botswana - the South African Perspective; ...

Uganda - Stanbic Botswana

By npalktm376(npalktm376)
Yesterday i stood in line at two banks in Kampala, Stanbic Bank and Barclays- i noticed that the line for depositing was considerably longer than that for . Many of you wonder why in the world I have a picture of a box of Cheerios. ...

Botswana diversification hampered by high costs

Botswana diversification hampered by high costs
Reuters South Africa - Johannesburg,South Africa
Dennis Kennedy, managing director of Stanbic Bank, a subsidiary of the Standard Bank Group said Aids -- which has slashed life expectancy to 35 -- was one ...
Stanbic Relaunches Broadhurst Branch
Mmegi - Gaberones,Botswana
By Business Reporter
Stanbic Bank Botswana last Thursday launched its relocated Broadhurst Branch with a warning to competitors that the move is part of ...
News in brief
New Vision - Kampala,Uganda
SOCCER - FedEx will clinch the girls’ title in the Stanbic Bank KKL at Aga Khan tomorrow no matter what result. They play True African in a game that has no ...

PDM Announces Construction is Underway at its Housing ...

PDM Announces Construction is Underway at its Housing ... - Washington,USA... and construction financing from Standard Bank of South Africa through its wholly-owned subsidiary in Zambia, Stanbic Bank Zambia Limited. ...

Pangaea Holds Annual General Meeting and Announces Construction is ...

Pangaea Holds Annual General Meeting and Announces Construction is ... (press release) - Levittown, NY, USA
Pangaea Development Holdings Limited held its second Annual General Meeting on Tuesday, 20 May at the Gaborone Sun Hotel in Botswana. ...

Economic Rebound Helps Stanbic's Balance Sheet

Economic Rebound Helps Stanbic's Balance Sheet
Mmegi - Gaborone, Botswana
By Business Reporter Despite tough trading conditions in the domestic market in 2007, Stanbic Bank Botswana used a rebound in the economy at the close of ...

Stanbic Bank lists Government’s P5 Billion Bond - Botswana Gazette

Stanbic Bank lists Government’s P5 Billion Bond - Botswana Gazette
Stanbic Bank Botswana recently received yet another vote of confidence when it listed a P5 Billion Domestic Note Program on behalf of the Government of ...

Promotions at Stanbic Bank Botswana

Promotions at Stanbic Bank Botswana African Business Find ...
Promotions at Stanbic Bank Botswana from African Business in Business provided free by Find Articles.
Stanbic Catches the Big One
Mar 25, 2008
... Stanbic Bank Botswana's executive director of Corporate and Investment ... "Stanbic Bank Botswana was selected as the preferred partner from ...

Stanbic Bank lists Government’s P5 Billion Bond - Botswana Gazette

Stanbic Bank lists Government’s P5 Billion Bond - Botswana Gazette

Stanbic Bank Botswana recently received yet another vote of confidence when it listed a P5 Billion Domestic Note Program on behalf of the Government of ...

Students win in Power in the Voice

Students win in Power in the Voice
Botswana - Gaborone
But it was not just the message that won them the P500 each, another P500 for a saving account at Stanbic Bank and a weekend for two at the Metcourt, ...

Makgabaneng takes service to the people

Makgabaneng takes service to the people
Mmegi - Botswana
Stanbic Bank Branch Manager, Stephen Goitsemang, who was the guest speaker, challenged students attending on their knowledge of HIV/AIDS. ...

Stanbic Clinches Morupule Financing Deal

Stanbic Clinches Morupule Financing DealStanbic Bank Botswana said on Friday that it has been selected as a preferred financial partner for funding of the initial expansion of the Morupule ...

Btv introduces live breakfast show

Btv introduces live breakfast show
Botswana - Mascom, Choppies, Stanbic Bank and Botswana Tourism Board will sponsor the show for P2.5 million. Mr Mphusu applauded the sponsors for giving them support, ...

Companies rescue tennis body (10 March, 2008)

GABORONE - The Botswana Tennis Association (BTA) has been given backing amounting to P180 000 from different companies (Debswana, FNB Botswana, Motor Centre and Orange who donated P50 000 each and Barclays Bank, Stanbic Bank and Standard Chartered who offered P20 000 each) would enable the code to host the International Junior Championships and African Junior Championships.

School walks for computers

School walks for computers
By The school has appealed to some individuals and private companies such as Letshego to assist, and so far three computers from different companies including Letshego have been received. Further the parents sold cooked traditional food to ...

CIC Energy is Pleased With Coal Gasification Feasibility Study

CIC Energy is Pleased With Coal Gasification Feasibility Study

By admin CIC Energy, British Virgin Islands, has received a feasibility study for it’s planned coal-to-liquids project. The feasibility study results are positive. The project is based on converting coal from the Mmamabula Coal Field in Botswana ...

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