Tuesday, 25 September 2007

Medical Rescue International Botswana (MRIB) Limited on International SOS Botswana

International SOS offers expert personalized services for individuals and their families, and for corporations operating in Botswana, through our partner company, MRI Botswana Limited.MRI Botswana Limited serves companies in the region who want to look after the health and safety of their employees. These span a range of sectors including government, tourism, insurance , the forces, energy mining and infrastructure and parastatals including telecommunications companies.Our comprehensive range of services include:
  • Medical assistance - ground and air ambulance response, medical advice and medical referrals service.
  • Roadside assistance - we will arrange for assistance at the roadside, where the cause of the problem is either mechanical, electrical or tyre related.
  • Home Assistance – for a quick response to home emergencies. We will provide ground and air ambulance response, medical advice and medical referrals.
  • Metro - ground response, medical advice and medical referrals for firms and industries, including their customers during working hours.
  • Guestmed - air ambulance services for the tourist market. Costs cover interregional medevacs from Chobe to Kasane Primary hospital and North West to any medical facility in Maun.
  • Schoolsmed - ground response, medical advice and medical referrals for children, teachers and school support staff.
  • Thuso 911 (Corporate Emergency Medical Service) - ground response, medical advice and medical referrals for employees of corporate organizations.
  • First-aid training - we offer training in first aid for individuals, groups and corporate clients in the following disciplines: cardiopulmonary resuscitation , AED (automated external defibrillation), environmental emergencies and basic life support for healthcare providers. We also provide medical equipment according to clients’ specifications.
  • Medical Standbys - we provide onsite response to emergencies during events hosted by clients.
  • Fee for Service - air ambulance response, medical advice and medical referrals. Clients pay a minimum fee as retainer and only pay for services as and when an emergency occurs.

Call Center Business (Inbound and Outbound).
Our 24-hour call center in Gaborone coordinates service and care to its customers throughout Botswana. Back-up call centers are available in Maun and Francistown, MRI’s smaller bases. These call centers form the nucleus of our expertise, information and care. Each center is manned 24 hours a day, 365 days a year by a team of highly skilled medical personnel, medical staff and paramedics. We are a leader in pre-hospital emergency medical services, will provide cover for you, your employees or your family when in Botswana to any place in the world.Through our extensive network we can quickly respond to calls from our clients for assistance. Clients include:

  • Botswana Medical Aid Society,
  • Pula Medical Aid,
  • Botswana Public Officers Medical Aid Society,
  • Associated Fund Administrators,
  • Botswana Telecommunications,
  • Ministry of Health,
  • Mascom Mobile Company,
  • Botswana Defence Force,
  • AON Insurance Brokers and
  • African Life.

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